March 2013

Paper by Wu et al. – collaboration with M Waterman’s lab – entitled “Ring finger protein 14 is a new regulator of Tcf/B-catenin mediated transcription and colon cancer cell survival” published in EMBO reports – doi: 10.1038/embor.2013.19. [Epub ahead of print] Dr. Schilling gave a talk entitled “Building a craniofacial skeleton: insights from developmental genetics”…

February 2013

New paper by Wu et al. – collaboration with M Waterman’s lab – entitled “Ring finger protein 14 is a novel regulator of Tcf/B-catenin mediated transcription and colon cancer cell survival” in press in EMBO reports. Dr. Schilling gave a talk entitled “Genetic analysis of craniofacial development and skeletal polarity” at the Australia-New Zealand zebrafish…

November 2012

New paper entitled “Dynamics and precision in retinoic acid morphogen gradients” (authors Schilling, Nie and Lander) accepted for publication in Current Opinion in Genetics and Development. Dr. Schilling gave a talk entitled “The Fat pathway regulates cartilage patterning and polarity” at the annual meeting of the Society for Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental Biology in San Francisco…

October 2012

Dr. Schilling gave a talk at the Asia-Pacific Developmental Biology meeting in Taipei, Taiwan – Oct. 5-8 – entitled “Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Assembly at Myotendinous Junctions”. Dr. Schilling gave a talk at the Singapore Developmental Biology Club, at Temasek Life Sciences Auditorium and hosted by the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Singapore –…

September 2012

Ph.D. thesis defense by Courtney Alexander entitled “Bmp, Edn1 and Wnt signaling pattern the dorsal-ventral axis of the craniofacial skeleton” presented on Monday, September 24, at 1:00 pm. Congratulations Courtney!   New paper by Zhang et al. (w/ Kelly Radtke as co-first author) entitled “Noise drives sharpening of gene expression boundaries in the zebrafish hindbrain”…

August 2012

New paper by Zhang et al. (w/ Kelly Radtke as co-first author) entitled “Noise drives sharpening of gene expression boundaries in the zebrafish hindbrain” accepted for publication in Nature Molecular Systems Biology….

July 2012

Adam Tuttle was recognized as a poster finalist at the Society for Developmental Biology Meeting in Montreal, Quebec – July 19-23 – for his poster entitled “Regulation of Vesicle Endocytosis and Acidification by rabconnectin-3a in Zebrafish Neural Crest Migration”…

June 2012

Kelly Radtke gave a talk at the International Zebrafish Development and Genetics Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin – June 19-24 – entitled “Robustness in retinoic acid dependent hindbrain patterning” –…

May 2012

Paper by Cai et al. entitled “Cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins are essential for hindbrain patterning and signal robustness in zebrafish” published in Development 139, 2150-2155….

March 2012

Gordon Research Conference on Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration held in Ventura, CA from March 18-23, 2012. Dr. Schilling gave a talk entitled “The Fat pathway regulates cartilage patterning and polarity”….