Fung L, Dranow D, Subramanian A, Libby N and Schilling TF (2024). Crabps and retinoic acid signaling regulate germ cell proliferation and play a role in sex determination in zebrafish. Development dev.202549. doi:10.1242/dev.202549. PMID: 39575928.

Safrina O, Vorontsova I, Donaldson P, and Schilling TF (2024). In vivo rescue experiments in zebrafish reveal key residues in Aqp0 required for regulation of water permeability and lens nucleus centralization. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 2024;65(11):

Labudina AA, Meier M, Gimenez G, Tatarakis D, Ketharnathan S, Mackie B, Schilling TF, Antony J, Horsfield JA (2024). Cohesin composition and dosage independently affect early development in zebrafish. Development 151, dev.202593. doi:10.1242/dev.202593.

Subramanian A, Kanzaki LF and Schilling TF (2023). Mechanical force regulates Sox9 expression at the developing enthesis. Development Jul 27;dev.201141. doi: 10.1242/dev.201141.

Dranow D, Le Pabic P and Schilling TF (2023). The non-canonical Wnt receptor Ror2 is required for cartilage cell polarity and morphogenesis of the craniofacial skeleton in zebrafish. Development Apr 11;dev.201273. doi:10.12.42/dev.201273.

Le Pabic P, Dranow DB, Hoyle DJ, Schilling TF. (2022) Zebrafish endochondral growth zones as they relate to human bone size, shape and disease. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2022 Dec 6;13:1060187. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2022.1060187. eCollection 2022.

Schilling TF, Le Pabic P. (2022) How vertebrates got their bite. Elife. 2022 Nov 15;11:e84118. doi: 10.7554/eLife.84118.

Vorontsova I, Vallmitiana A, Torrado B, Schilling TF, Hall JE, Gratton E and Malacrida L (2022). In vivo macromolecular crowding is differentially modulated by aquaporin 0 in zebrafish lens: insights from a nanoenvironment sensor and spectral imaging. Science Advances Feb 18;8(7):eabj4833. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abj4833.

Hoyle D, Dranow D and Schilling TF (2022). Pthlha and mechanical force control early patterning of growth zones in the zebrafish craniofacial skeleton. Development Jan 15;149(2):dev199826. doi/10.1242/dev.199826.

Tatarakis D, Cang Z, Wu X, Karikomi M, MacLean A, Nie Q and Schilling TF (2021). Single cell transcriptomic analysis of zebrafish cranial neural crest reveals spatiotemporal regulation of lineage decisions during development. Cell Reports Dec 21;37(12):110140. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.110140.

Vorontsova I, Hall JE, Schilling TF, Nagai N and Nakazawa Y (2021). Differences in a single extracellular residue underlie adhesive functions of two zebrafish Aqp0s. Cells 6;10(8):2005. doi: 10.3390/cells10082005.

Qiu Y, Fung L, Schilling TF and Nie Q (2021). Multiple morphogens and rapid elongation promote segmental patterning during development. PLoS Computational Biology 2021 Jun 23;17(6):e1009077. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009077.

Reynolds S, Pierce C, Powell B, Kite A, Hall-Ruiz N, Schilling TF and Le Pabic P (2021). A show of Hands: novel and conserved expression patterns of teleost Hand orthologues during craniofacial, heart, fin, peripheral nervous system and gut development. Developmental Dynamics 2021 Jun 6 doi:10.1002/dvdy/380.

Wang K, Vorontsova I, Hoshino M, Uesugi K, Yagi N, Hall JE, Schilling TF and Pierscionek BK (2021). Aquaporins have regional functions in development of refractive index in the zebrafish eye lens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science March 2021

Heubel B, Bredesen C, Schilling TF and LePabic P (2020). Endochondral growth zone pattern and activity in the zebrafish pharyngeal skeleton. Developmental Dynamics Aug 27 doi:10.1002/dvdy.241.

Niu X, Subramanian A, Hwang TH, Schilling TF and Galloway JL (2020). Tendon cell regeneration mediated by attachment-site resident progenitors and BMP signaling. Current Biology 2020 Jun 29:S0960-9822(20)30832-0. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.016.

Wang K, Vorontsova I, Hoshino M, Uesugi K, Yagi N, Hall JE, Schilling TF and Pierscionek BK (2020). Optical development in the zebrafish eye lens. FASEB Journal

Hendrick LA, Carter GA, Hilbrands EH, Heubel BP, Schilling TF and Le Pabic P (2019). Bar, stripe and spot development in sand-dwelling cichlids from Lake Malawi. Evodevo. 2019 Aug 12;10:18. doi: 10.1186/s13227-019-0132-7.

Vorontsova I, Hall J and Schilling TF (2019). Assessment of zebrafish lens nucleus localization and sutural integrity. Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) 2019 May 6;(147). doi: 10.3791/59528.

Sharma P, MacLean A, Clouthier D, Nie Q and Schilling TF (2018). Transcriptomics reveals complex kinetics of dorsal-ventral patterning gene expression in the mandibular arch. Genesis 2018 Dec 18:e23275. doi:10/1002/dvg.23275

Subramanian A, Kanzaki L, Galloway JL and Schilling TF (2018). Mechanical force regulates tendon extracellular matrix organization and tenocyte morphogenesis through TGFbeta signaling. eLife 2018;7. E38069. doi: 10.7554/eLife.38069.

Meinecke L, Sharma P, Du H, Zhang L, Nie Q and Schilling TF (2018). Modeling craniofacial development reveals spatiotemporal constraints on robust patterning of the mandibular arch. PLoS Computational Biology 14(11):e1006569. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006569.

Vorontzova I, Gehring I, Hall JE, and Schilling TF (2018). Aquaporin-0 regulates suture stability in the zebrafish lens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 59, 2869-2879. doi:10.1116/iovs.18-24044.

Rackaukas C, Schilling TF and Nie Q (2018). Mean-independent noise attenuation via intermediate states. iScience 3, 11-20.

Aguillon R, Batut J, Subramanian A, Madelaine R, Dufourcq P, Schilling TF and Blader P (2018). Cell-type heterogeneity in the zebrafish olfactory placode is generated from progenitors within the preplacodal ectoderm. eLife 2018;7:e32041: doi:

Wang W, Holmes WR, Sosnik J, Schilling TF and Nie Q (2017). Cell sorting and noise-induced plasticity coordinate to sharpen boundaries between gene expression domains. PLoS Computational Biology 13(1):e1005307. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005307.

Muto A and Schilling TF (2017). Zebrafish as a model to study cohesin and cohesinopathies. In K Yokomori and K Shirahage (Eds). Cohesin and Condensin: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology 1515, 177-196. Springer Press.

Vibert L, Aquino G, Gehring I, Subkhankulova T, Schilling TF, Rocco A and Kelsh RN (2016). An ongoing role for Wnt signaling in differentiating melanocytes in vivo. Pigment Cell Melanoma Research doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12568.

Nichols J, Dowd J, Watson S, Parthasarathy R, Brooks E, Subramanian A, Nachtrab G, Poss KD, Schilling TF and Kimmel CB (2016). Repetitive element silencing buffers a mef2ca dependent ligament to bone fate decision in the zebrafish craniofacial skeleton. Development 143, 4430-4440.

Kawauchi S, Santos R, Muto A, Lopez-Burks M, Schilling TF, Lander AD and Calof AL (2016). Using vertebrate animal models to understand the etiology of developmental defects in Cornelia de Lange syndrome. American Journal of Human Genetics Part C Seminar Medical Genetics doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.31484.

Schilling TF, Sosnik J and Nie Q (2016). Visualizing retinoic acid morphogen gradients. Methods in Cell Biology 133, 139-163. In The Zebrafish: Cellular and Molecular Biology, Part A, Cellular Biology (eds. HW Detrich III, M Westerfield, LI Zon). Elsevier, Academic Press.

Sosnik J, Zheng L, Rackauckas C, Digman M, Gratton E, Nie Q and Schilling TF (2016). Noise modulation in retinoic acid signaling sharpens segmental boundaries of gene expression in the embryonic zebrafish hindbrain. eLife 5:e14034. doi:10.7554/eLife.14034.

Le Pabic P, Cooper W and Schilling TF (2016). Developmental basis for phenotypic integration in two Lake Malawi cichlid species. EvoDevo 7:3 doi 10.1186/s13227-016-0040-z.

Subramanian A and Schilling TF (2015). Tendon development and musculoskeletal assembly: emerging roles for extracellular matrix. Development 142, 4191-4204 doi:10.1242/dev.114777.

Cruz IA, Kappedal R, Mackenzie S, Hoffman TL, Schilling TF and Raible DW (2015). Robust regeneration of adult zebrafish lateral line hair cells reflects continued precursor pool maintenance. Developmental Biology 402, 229-238. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2015.03.019.

Boer EF, Howell ED, Schilling TF, Jette CA and Stewart RA (2015). Fascin1-dependent filopodia are required for directional migration of a subset of neural crest cells. PLoS Genetics 11(1):e1004946. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004946.

Le Pabic P, Ng C and Schilling TF (2014). Fat-Dachsous signaling coordinates cartilage differentiation and polarity during craniofacial development. PLoS Genetics 10(10):e1004726. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004726.

Muto A, Ikeda S, Lopez-Burks ME, Kikuchi Y, Calof AL, Lander AD, and Schilling TF (2014). Nipbl and Mediator cooperatively regulate gene expression to control limb development. PLoS Genetics 10(9):e1004671. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004671.

Subramanian A and Schilling TF (2014). Thrombospondin-4 controls matrix assembly and muscle attachment at the myotendinous junction. eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.02372.

Alexander C, Piloto S, Le Pabic P and Schilling TF (2014). Wnt signaling interacts with Bmp and Edn1 to regulate dorsal-ventral patterning and growth of the craniofacial skeleton. PLoS Genetics (10)7:e1004479. doi: 10/journal.pgen.1004479.

Tuttle A, Hoffman T and Schilling TF (2014). rabconnectin-3a regulates vesicle endocytosis and canonical Wnt signaling in zebrafish neural crest migration. PLoS Biology 12(5): e1001852. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1001852.

Schilling TF and Le Pabic P (2014). Neural crest cells in craniofacial skeletal development. In Neural Crest Cells: Evolution, Development and Disease (ed. P Trainor). Academic Press, Elsevier. pp. 127-151.

Clemens DM, Nemeth-Cahalan KL, Trinh L, Zhang T, Schilling TF and Hall JE (2013). In vivo analysis of Aquaporin 0 function in zebrafish: permeability regulation is required for lens transparency. Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Sciences. doi:pii: iovs.13-12337v1. 10.1167/iovs.13-12337.

Wu B, Piloto S, Zeng W, Hoverter N, Schilling TF and Waterman M (2013). Ring finger protein 14  is a novel regulator of Tcf/B-catenin mediated transcription and colon cancer cell survival. EMBO Reports 14: 347-355.doi: 10.1038/embor.2013.19.

Schilling TF, Nie Q and Lander AD (2012). Dynamics and precision in retinoic acid morphogen gradients. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development pii: S0959-437X(12)00142-6. doi: 10.1016/j.gde.2012.11.012.

Nguyen-Chi M, Bryson-Richardson R, Sonntag C, Hall T, Gibson A, Stzal T, Schilling TF and Currie PD (2012). Morphogenesis and cell fate determination within the adaxial cell equivalence group of the zebrafish myotome. PLoS Genetics 8(10):e1003014.

Zhang L, Radtke K, Zheng L, Cai AQ, Schilling TF and Nie Q (2012). Noise drives sharpening of gene expression boundaries in the zebrafish hindbrain. Nature Molecular Systems Biology 8: 613. doi: 10.1038/msb.2012.45.

Cai AQ, Radtke K, Linville A, Lander AD, Nie Q and Schilling TF (2012). Cellular retinoic acid-binding proteins are essential for hindbrain patterning and signal robustness in zebrafish. Development 139, 2150-2155.

de Pater E, Ciampricotti M, Priller F, Veerkamp J, Strate I, Smith K, Karina A, Schilling TF, Herzog W, Abdelilah-Seyfried S, Hammerschmidt M and Bakkers J (2012). Bmp signaling exerts opposite effects on cardiac differentiation. Circulation Research 110, 578-587.

Muto A, Calof A, Lander AD and Schilling TF (2011). Multifactorial origins of heart and gut defects in nipbl-deficient zebrafish: a model of Cornelia de Lange syndrome. PLoS Biology 9(10): e1001181.

Zuniga E, Rippen M, Alexander C, Schilling TF and Crump JG (2011). Gremlin 2 regulates distinct roles of BMP and Endothelin 1 signaling in dorsoventral patterning of the facial skeleton. Development 138, 5147-5156.

Alexander C, Zuniga E, Blitz IL, Wada N, Le Pabic P, Javidan Y, Zhang T, Cho KW, Crump JG and Schilling TF (2011) Combinatorial roles for BMPs and Endothelin 1 in patterning the dorsal-ventral axis of the craniofacial skeleton. Development 138, 5135-5146.

Clouthier D, Garcia E and Schilling TF (2010). Regulation of facial morphogenesis by endothelin signaling: insights from mice and fish. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 152A, 2962-2972 (doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.33568).

Froger A, Clemens D, Kalman K, Nemeth-Cahalan KL, Schilling TF and Hall JE (2010). Two distinct Aquaporin-0s are required for development and transparency of the zebrafish lens. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 51, 6582-6592.

Piloto S and Schilling TF (2010). Ovo1 links Wnt signaling with N-cadherin localization during neural crest migration. Development 137, 1981-1990.

Schilling TF, LePabic P and Hoffman T (2010). Using transgenic zebrafish (Danio rerio) to study development of the craniofacial skeleton. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 26, 187-191.

Schilling TF and LePabic P (2009). Fishing for the signals that pattern the face. Journal of Biology 8, 101.

Javidan Y, Alexander C and Schilling TF (2009). Development of cartilage and bone. In “Essential Zebrafish Methods: Cell and Developmental Biology (Reliable Lab Solutions)” (eds. W Dietrich, M Westerfield and L Zon) Academic Press, London. pp. 429-451.

Linville A, Radtke K, Waxman J, Yelon D and Schilling TF (2009). Combinatorial roles for zebrafish retinoic acid receptors in the hindbrain, limbs and pharyngeal arches. Developmental Biology 325, 60-70.

Currie P, Schilling TF and Ingham PW (2008). Small scale marker-based screening for mutations in zebrafish development. Methods in Molecular Biology 461, 493-512.

Nair S and Schilling TF (2008). Chemokine signaling controls endodermal migration during zebrafish gastrulation. Science 322, 89-92.

White RJ and Schilling TF (2008). How degrading: Cyp26s in hindbrain development. Developmental  Dynamics 237, 2775-2790.

Schilling TF (2008). Anterior-posterior patterning and segmentation of the vertebrate head. J Integrative and Comparative Biology doi:10.1093/icb/icn081.

Kuratani S and Schilling TF (2008). Head segments in vertebrates. J Integrative and Comparative Biology doi:10.1093/icb/icn036.

White RJ, Nie Q, Lander AD, Schilling TF (2007) Complex regulation of cyp26a1creates a robust retinoic acid gradient in the zebrafish embryo. PLoS Biology 5(11): e304. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.0050304.

Bryson-Richardson RJ, Berger S, Schilling TF, Hall TE, Cole NJ, Gibson AJ, Sharpe J and Currie PD (2007). FishNet: an online database of zebrafish anatomy. BMC Biology 5:34 doi:10.1186/1741-7007-5-34.

Hoffman TF, Javier A, Campeau S, Knight RD and Schilling TF (2007). Tfap2 transcription factors in cranial neural crest development and ectodermal evolution. J Experimental Zoology B Molecular and Developmental Evolution 308, 679-691.

Schilling TF and Webb J (2007). Considering the zebrafish in a comparative context. J Experimental Zoology B Molecular and Developmental Evolution 308, 515-522.

Plaster N, Sonntag C, Schilling TF and Hammerschmidt M (2007). Atrophin-2 interacts with Fgf8 signaling in a histone-acetylase dependent manner. Developmental Dynamics, 236, 1891-.

Luo T, Hoffman T, Zhang T, Schilling TF and Sargent TD (2007). Inca: a novel p21-activated kinase-associated protein required for cranial neural crest development. Development, 134, 1279-1289.

Schilling TF (2007). Genetic regulation of neural and non-neural co-evolution. In “Evolution of Nervous Systems” (ed. J. Kaas) Elsevier.

Nair S, Wei J, Cornell R and Schilling TF (2007). Requirements for endothelin receptors and endothelin-1 signals from facial ectoderm in patterning skeletogenic neural crest in zebrafish. Development, 134, 335-345.

Webb J and Schilling TF (2006). Zebrafish in comparative context: a symposium. Journal of Integrative and Comparative Biology 46, 569-576.

Stafford D, White R, Kinkel MD, Linville A, Schilling TF and Prince V (2006). Retinoids signal directly to zebrafish endoderm to specify insulin-expressing beta-cells. Development 133, 949-956.

Knight RD and Schilling TF (2006). Skeletogenic lineages of the cranial neural crest. In “Neural Crest Induction and Differentiation” (ed. J.-P. Saint-Jeannet) Landes Bioscience; pp. 120-133.

Wada N., Javidan Y, Nelson S, Carney TJ, Kelsh RN, and Schilling TF (2005). Hedgehog signaling is required for cranial neural crest morphogenesis and chondrogenesis at the midline in the zebrafish skull. Development 132, 3977-3988.

Holzschuh J, Wada N, Wada C, Schaffer A, Javidan Y, Tallafuss A, Bally-Cuif L, and Schilling TF (2005). Requirements for endoderm and BMP signaling in sensory neurogenesis in zebrafish. Development 132, 3731-3742.

Norton W, Mangoli M, Lele Z, Pogoda H-M, Diamond B, Russell C, Teraoka H, Stickney H, Rauch J, Heisenberg C-P, Houart C, Schilling TF, Frohnhoefer HG, Rastegar S, Neumann C, Gardiner M, Strahle U, Geisler R, Rees M, Talbot W and Wilson SW (2005). Monorail/FoxA2 regulates floorplate differentiation and specification of oligodendrocytes, serotonergic raphe neurons and cranial motor neurons. Development 132, 645-58.

Knight RD, Javidan Y, Zhang T, and Schilling TF (2005). AP2- dependent signals from the ectoderm regulate craniofacial development in the zebrafish embryo. Development 132, 3127-3138.

Javidan Y and Schilling TF (2004). Development of cartilage and bone. In “Zebrafish: Methods in Cell Biology” (eds. W Dietrich, M Westerfield and L Zon) Academic Press, London. 76:415-36.

Clouthier DE and Schilling TF (2004). Understanding Endothelin-1 function during craniofacial development in the mouse and zebrafish. Birth Defects Res. 72, 190-199.

Linville A , Gumusaneli E, Chandraratna R and Schilling TF (2004). Independent roles for retinoic acid in segmentation and neuronal differentiation in the zebrafish hindbrain. Developmental Biology 270, 186-199.

Knight RD, Javidan Y, Nelson S, Zhang T and Schilling TF (2004). Skeletal and pigment cell defects in the lockjaw mutant reveal multiple roles for zebrafish tfap2ain neural crest development. Developmental Dynamics 229, 87-98.

Piotrowski T, Ahn D-G, Schilling TF, Nair S, Geisler R, Rauch G-J, Foote H, Zon, L, Dawid IB and Ho RK (2003). The zebrafish van gogh mutation disrupts tbx1involved in DiGeorge deletion syndrome in humans. Development 130, 5043-5052.

Schilling TF (2003). Evolution and development: Making jaws. Heredity 90, 3-5.

Knight RD, Nair S, Nelson S, Javidan Y, Afshar A, Geisler R, Rauch G-J, and Schilling TF (2003). The lockjaw mutation reveals requirements for zebrafish tfap2a in early development of the neural crest. Development 130, 5755-5768.

Yelick PC and Schilling TF (2002). Molecular dissection of craniofacial development using zebrafish. Critical Reviews of Oral Biology and Medicine 13, 308-322.

David N, Saint-Etienne L, Schilling TF and Rosa F (2002). Critical requirement for endoderm and FGF in ventral head skeleton induction. Development 129, 4457-4468.

Schilling TF (2002). The morphology of larval and adult zebrafish. In “Zebrafish: A Practical Approach” (eds. S. Schulte-Merker and C. Nusslein-Volhard) Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford.